Accessible Poker develops scripts for the screenreader Jaws for Windows and, offers information to managers of poker networks about how to bring their software into line with the need of the visually impaired, so that all poker players can enjoy the game as equals. Sign-up with us for great value offers on rakeback deals and bonuses!
If you're in need of Scripts for Jaws, Don't sign-up for Minted Poker right now
Unfortunately I'll have to urge all Jaws users not to sign-up for Minted Poker right now, as they'll be implementing their new software shortly. I feel like I wouldn't be an honest person if I let you make a deposit now, when you might not be able to play for more than a few weeks. I am of course going to look at the new software as soon as it's released and, Minted Poker management has promised to work with me to make it accessible, but there's always a slight risk that it no longer will have any such potential. As of right now, all we can do is hope for the best.
A special thanks goes to everyone who is rooting for our cause.
We are ever so greatful for all donations:
And we apriciate every single player who signs-up with us:
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but You don't need to spend any money to show that you support us. really all you need to do to let people know that you support what we're doing to improve the situation when it comes to accessibility and iquality in the poker-world is to like our facebook page.
Accessible Poker Promote Your Page Too We're looking forward to being able to welcome you as one of our members.
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