"No person who is resident in Malta, France and USA may open an account, play, or in any other way participate in the ELG offerings and/or services."
This has unfortunately now been included in the terms and conditions for all skinns on the Everleaf Gaming network...
Minted Poker is one of more than 100 skins on Everleaf and, they were the first to acknowledge that such a thing as accessibility issues mattered and, that adjustments should be made when possible to meet the needs of the blind and visually impaired....
Up until now Everleaf has been one of only a few networks providing real-money online poker to players within the U.S. after Black Friday.
It is therefore with great sadness that we have to notify everyone of the fact that the company has received a cease and desist order from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and, The Everleaf Gaming Network has been forced to prohibit all residents in the United States and France from using it's serveces.
the network faces legal action if it continues to facilitate its services in the U.S, but money held by all poker players, including those in the U.S, are said to be "secure and ring fenced."
U.S. poker-players can no longer log in to the Minted Poker client and, personally I think that they should have sent out a notification about this, but it may set your mind AT ease to know that cashouts are available from the Minted Poker Site.
It's hard to say where we will go from here, as the majority of users of Accessible Poker are residents of the U.S, there may no longer be a need for our serveces.
We have, for personal reasons, not been very active lately, but we have still been working on making the Merge Gaming Network accessible, but only time will tell whether Merge and others like: Bovada, and the Cake Poker Network will follow suit and, ban U.S-players now that the U.S. government has applied pressure to one of the few remaining offshore networks to allow Americans to do what they wish with their own hard earned money...
This is a sad weekend indeed.
The AccessiblePoker Team
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