The Poker Players Alliance, PPA, the leading poker grassroots advocacy group with more than one million members nationwide, seeks to raise additional funds leading up to a crucial vote this summer on legislation to license and regulate online poker in the U.S. A money bomb is when an organization asks all of its members and supporters to make a financial donation – of any amount – to the group on one specific day. The PPA hopes to raise $50,000. Your donation of $5, $10, $20 or more will help the PPA reach out to more poker players who can demand that their Members of Congress protect their rights.
To me it's important to support them, since our work for accessibility when it comes to online poker becomes a lot easier if there aren't laws trying to prevent people from playing. To my dismay I just realised However, that they don't have an audio option for their security capcha, so blind poker players can't sign-up. I'm sure it's just an oversight on their part, and I have brought this to their attention, but your help would be much apriciated if you can find the time. Please write something in support of our cause on their facebook page.
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