to three things:
1.The fact that he presents his ideas as simply as possible
(sometimes with Mason Malmuth and/or Ed Miller) even
though these ideas frequently involve concepts that are
deep, subtle, and not to be found elsewhere.
2.The fact that the things he says and writes can be counted
on to be accurate.
3.The fact that to this day a large portion of his income is
still derived from gambling (usually poker but
occasionally blackjack, sports betting, horses, video
games, casino promotions, or casino tournaments).
Thus, those who depend on his advice know that he
still depends on it himself.
This book is about the general theories and concepts of poker, which apply to almost every variation of the game. It's not a book which will provide basic rules, or a step-by-step guide to the different games. Rules of thumb that say to fold one hand, and raise with another, simply won't get a poker player beyond the beginning stages. "The theory of poker"won't teach you what to do in a particular situation, but rather what you should consider before determining what to do. By explaining the logic of poker, the book will show the reader what kinds of things to think about
in order to become a better player. Sklansky uses primarily five games — five-card draw, seven-card stud, hold 'em, draw
lowball, and razz or seven-card lowball, To illustrate the concepts presented. Unfortunately the book isn't available on audio, but the PDF-file doesn't present any other problems, than the usual ones. Meaning that you'll be stuck at the computer every time you want to read. Fear not dear reader, It'll be well worth your while. This book will revolutionize your game!
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