----- Original Message -----
From: Neil Butterfield-Mintedpoker.com
To: Reena - Mintedpoker.com
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 12:47 AM
Subject: Free Entry
Hi my name is Neil the card room manager at Mintedpoker,
I am writing to you because I wish to apologise to you all for an error on our part, which appears to be inconsiderate.
We have just completed our Secret Santa promotion where small images of Santa were placed on our website with hidden flash letters in the sack Santa was carrying.
Because the letters and the Santa's were made up from images, we have just realised that some of our players who maybe visually impaired, could have had difficulties in locating the Santa's, as readers such as JAWS would not have picked up any letters to spell out festive words.
Please believe me when I say that I am truly sorry for this oversight and to make amends, I would like to offer all those who are affected a free seat in the Secret Santa $1,000 free roll tournament.
Your player details have been forwarded to Reena and she will have you automatically registered for the tournament, the date it is to take place has not yet been fixed, however when the date is finalised it will be published on the Mintedpoker website on this page
It will also be announced
on our facebook page
Please again accept my apologies for this oversight and I hope that your chance to win a share of $1,000 will more than make up for any inconvenience caused.
Best Regards and Wishes for the Festive Season
Neil - Card room Manager
very interesting site..Thank you for your visit to my Candela and for your comments..I hope to see you again.
Oh I'll be back and, I hope to see you here again as well, smile.
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